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Europa (2)

Delevopments in e-invoicing in Europe

What's new in e-invoicing in Europe?

Mandatory electronic invoicing has become increasingly prevalent in Europe in recent years, with a number of countries embracing this method to modernise and simplify their invoicing processes. The transition to e-invoicing has been gradual but steady, with a range of European nations passing legislation and regulations to encourage the uptake of mandatory e-invoicing.

What's new in e-invoicing in Europe in june 2023?

Mandatory electronic invoicing has become increasingly prevalent in Europe in recent years, with a number of countries embracing this method to modernise and simplify their invoicing processes. The transition to e-invoicing has been gradual but steady, with a range of European nations passing legislation and regulations to encourage the uptake of mandatory e-invoicing.

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Key numbers

__Contralia-experiencia_Picto_Azul y Naranja_ SVG

+30 years

of experience
D_Euro_Picto_Azul y Naranja_ SVG

+750 MM

€/year managed
D_Cliente_Picto_Azul y Naranja_ SVG

3 Millions

active users
D_Documents_Picto_Azul y Naranja_ SVG

+1.000 M

documents/year exchanged
__Global_Picto_Azul y Naranja_ SVG


connected companies
D_Entorno_glonal_Picto_Azul y Naranja_ SVG


countries with exchange

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