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The past, present and future of e-invoicing in Denmark

In February 2005, the inaugural European regulation requiring electronic invoicing with public administrations came into force. Denmark became the inaugural European country to commence the mandatory transmission and receipt of electronic invoices in B2G relations.

The authority responsible for the implementation of electronic invoicing is the Digitaliseringsstyrelsen. The legislation that established the mandatory use of B2G electronic invoicing is the Bekendtgørelse om elektronisk afregning med offentlige myndigheder.

19 February 2024

Discover how e-invoicing will be adopted in France

E-invoicing offers many benefits to businesses, as evidenced by the mandatory adoption of e-invoicing in public services, which has led several European governments to develop plans for its adoption in the private sector.

In 2017, the implementation of e-invoicing in the public sector began in France and was completed in just three years. Since 1 January 2020, all French companies have been required to send electronic invoices to public administrations.

Delevopments in e-invoicing in Europe

What's new in e-invoicing in Europe?

Mandatory electronic invoicing has become increasingly prevalent in Europe in recent years, with a number of countries embracing this method to modernise and simplify their invoicing processes. The transition to e-invoicing has been gradual but steady, with a range of European nations passing legislation and regulations to encourage the uptake of mandatory e-invoicing.

What's new in e-invoicing in Europe in june 2023?

Mandatory electronic invoicing has become increasingly prevalent in Europe in recent years, with a number of countries embracing this method to modernise and simplify their invoicing processes. The transition to e-invoicing has been gradual but steady, with a range of European nations passing legislation and regulations to encourage the uptake of mandatory e-invoicing.

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Key numbers

__Contralia-experiencia_Picto_Azul y Naranja_ SVG

+30 years

of experience
D_Euro_Picto_Azul y Naranja_ SVG

+750 MM

€/year managed
D_Cliente_Picto_Azul y Naranja_ SVG

3 Millions

active users
D_Documents_Picto_Azul y Naranja_ SVG

+1.000 M

documents/year exchanged
__Global_Picto_Azul y Naranja_ SVG


connected companies
D_Entorno_glonal_Picto_Azul y Naranja_ SVG


countries with exchange

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