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E-factura (2)

30 May 2023

Massification of e-invoicing in Romania

The Romanian Ministry of Finance announces new plans to extend mandatory B2B e-invoicing, which will start in July 2024, to B2C transactions. 

It is expected that in July 2024, at the same time as mandatory B2B e-invoicing starts in Romania, the voluntary period for B2C transactions will start, which is expected to become mandatory in January 2025.

As part of the digital reporting requirements and the ViDA project, Romania will have to harmonise its centralised settlement model with the reforms proposed by the EU by 2035

global electronic invoicing
28 June 2021

Why choose a global e-invoicing solution?

The electronic invoice is a powerful tool promoted internationally that brings a multitude of benefits to companies. Although as a rule there are a number of similarities in e-invoicing projects between different countries, the multitude of types of formats, platforms, legal regulations or the level of technological development make the electronic invoicing differ from one country to another.


European Union introduces the mandatory electronic invoice

From 18th April, 2019, the public administrations of all EU Member States are compelled to electronically receive and process their invoices. This concerns any B2G (Business-to-Government) and G2G (Government-to-Government) trades and transactions within the European Union.

The 2014/55/EU regulation is aimed at standardise a common European e-invoicing format, so that any public or private supplier is able to work with European public administrations seamlessly. Developing cross-border trade falls under the main EU goals.

Infografía 8 benefits of electronic invoicing
1 April 2019

8 benefits of the electronic invoice

Electronic invoice or e-Invoicing is a way of proving transactions in a more reliable, convenient, and safe way. It fulfils the same role as traditional invoice and is legally equivalent although it has many more benefits, becoming an essential resource for companies.

This is why implementation of electronic invoicing systems continue growing on several economic sectors. It is a widespread fact both in Europe and Latin America. Taking Spain as an example, during 2018, 181,884,086 electronic invoices were issued, 14.92% more than in 2017. Thanks to this, Spanish companies saved more than €900,000,000 on invoice reception handling that year. Across the Atlantic, e-Invoicing has reached the US, Canada and all over South America, Central America, and the Caribbean, getting over Europe as per implementation degree. 

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Key numbers

__Contralia-experiencia_Picto_Azul y Naranja_ SVG

+30 years

of experience
D_Euro_Picto_Azul y Naranja_ SVG

+750 MM

€/year managed
D_Cliente_Picto_Azul y Naranja_ SVG

3 Millions

active users
D_Documents_Picto_Azul y Naranja_ SVG

+1.000 M

documents/year exchanged
__Global_Picto_Azul y Naranja_ SVG


connected companies
D_Entorno_glonal_Picto_Azul y Naranja_ SVG


countries with exchange

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