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Europa (3)

22 October 2018

Electronic invoicing in Austria

As in many other countries in Europe, Austria has been promoting B2G eInvoicing for several years. Electronic invoicing was regulated as far back as 2012, when the Austrian Bundesministerium Finanzen published its Austrian ICT Consolidation Act (ICTKonG). Section 5 of that Act established the requirement to use electronic invoicing in the country’s public procurement: a fact which included the national and international suppliers working with the country's federal authorities.


The drive for eInvoicing in Spain

With the aim of achieving uniformity in the services provided to the public and improving their efficiency and effectiveness, the Spanish government decided to promote the use of eInvoicing in the country using a model which pushed all of the public administrations towards the digital transformation.

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Key numbers

__Contralia-experiencia_Picto_Azul y Naranja_ SVG

+30 years

of experience
D_Euro_Picto_Azul y Naranja_ SVG

+750 MM

€/year managed
D_Cliente_Picto_Azul y Naranja_ SVG

3 Millions

active users
D_Documents_Picto_Azul y Naranja_ SVG

+1.000 M

documents/year exchanged
__Global_Picto_Azul y Naranja_ SVG


connected companies
D_Entorno_glonal_Picto_Azul y Naranja_ SVG


countries with exchange

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